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We recruit real freelance consultants, who have set up their own small enterprise or propose umbrella company services. Experts in their field, they master the fundamentals of project management and change management. They are immediately ready for anything!

We recruit professional and fully experienced Transition Managers, who temporarily replace a position and manage your teams for guaranteed results!

Defining your needs

Together, we set a technical brief including the skills and expertise required and the precise profile of the consultant.

Recruiting process
It is done by publishing a search campaign within our own network of qualified and available candidates.

Compensation method
Based on an ADR (Average Daily Rate), in total transparency for the client and the consultant.
We provide billing and payment services for the work done by the consultant.
VÉA Sourcing
1, rue de Stockholm - 75 008 PARIS - France
Tél: +33 (0) 6 78 75 17 54
Fax: +33 (0) 825 000 422